Who we are

Shaping the African conservation Narrative

Formed in February 2020, the African CSO Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) provides a platform for African CSOs to speak with one voice on issues of sustainable use of nature thatcontribute to conservation and equitable benefits from nature. The Alliance, whose members are African CSOs, facilitates sharing of lessons, creates opportunities for collaboration, and influences national, regional, continental and global biodiversity policy processes and practices ... Read More

Latest news

The upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), scheduled from November 30 to December 12, 2023, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, comes at a very crucial time and must be a COP of climate credibility where parties take accountability for their inaction in addressing the climate crisis.

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The African Civil Society Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) will be actively participating in the first African Protected Areas Congress (APAC) organized in Kigali from 18th -23rd July 2022. ACBA members will participate through side events, pavilion activities, and attendance at high-level events and other side events hosted by other participants.

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Latest Resources

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Case Studies

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Policy Briefs

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On the Tube

African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) in collaboration with China’s Civil Society Alliance for Biodiversity Conservation (CSABC) hosted a webinar which brought more perspective on protecting Agricultural Biodiversity and Constructing Scientific Food System Security on the 21st of September 2022. This webinar aimed to promote multi-stakeholders to contribute to the conservation of agricultural biodiversity in communities and grassroots organizations at the practical level.

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Our Community

Together as Africans

An Alliance of more than 80 African CSOs with representation from the 5 subregions of Africa, Northern Africa, Central or Middle Africa, Southern Africa, Eastern Africa, and Western Africa providing a platform for CSOs to speak with one voice on Sustainable Use... see more