Uniqueness of ACBA
ACBA’s founding members envisioned an informal network of CSOs with a big voice and wide reach, cemented together by recognizing that nature is essential to Africa’s development and that its conservation must deliver people and nature positive outcomes.
There are several factors that contribute to ACBA’s uniqueness:
Providing a coherent and amplified voice of African CSOs shaping the conservation and development agenda of the continent
“Promotes African grown solutions using African thought leaders and informed by local knowledge, local reality and practices. It engages with knowledge and counterparts from other regions on the basis of mutual respect”.
Creating unique knowledge informed by local level experiences for others
As a platform ACBA brings together diverse partnerships to create knowledge and share lessons. This knowledge is shared through its own website, webinars and publications but also through member channels.
Being a “university” without walls for CSOs
ACBA has emerged as a “university’ on sustainable use for its members. Through a range of initiatives and internal meetings and webinars, the members learn new concepts and ideas that they can take to their constituencies, and build a cadreship of organised and politicised networks working in environment, conservation, and development.
Network of diverse individuals and CSO membership
The network is dynamic because its members bring their individual and organisational knowledge and expertise to share and inform discussions around sustainable use and related topics.