ACBA provides a platform for African CSOs to speak with one voice on issues of sustainable use of nature that contribute to conservation and equitable benefits from nature. The Alliance, whose members are African CSOs, facilitates sharing of lessons, creates opportunities for collaboration, and influences national, regional, continental and global biodiversity policy processes and practices.
As a network, ACBA mobilizes the strengths of its diverse membership to work in strategic and efficient ways and speak and act collaboratively in an inclusive manner.
ACBA highlights the collective contribution of African CSOs towards sustainable use of the continent’s biodiversity through good practices, stories, case studies and policy briefs. It serves as a platform for exchanging and sharing knowledge and information and as a marketplace for Alliance members to create opportunities and partnerships that can enhance their work at their community and respective country levels. The network enables African CSOs to mutually support each other and identify areas of common action.
Sustainable Use (SU) 1. Sustainable use represents a powerful anchor and glue that delivers on all three goals of the Convention in a reinforcing manner. A s...
Uniqueness of ACBA ACBA’s founding members envisioned an informal network of CSOs with a big voice and wide reach, cemented together by recognizing that nature is essential to Africa’s development and that its conservation must deliver people and nature positive outcomes. There are several factors that contribute to ACBA’s uniqueness: Providing a coherent and amplified voice of African CSOs shaping the conservation and development agenda of the continent ...
Vision Africa’s biodiversity thrives and underpins equitable, socially and economically resilient livelihoods based on the rights of people to sustainably use their natural resources. Mission Our mission is to elevate, amplify and create spaces and systems for local voices to participate and influence decision making processes, in the conservation of Africa’s biodi...
An Alliance of more than 80 African CSOs with representation from the 5 subregions of Africa, Northern Africa, Central or Middle Africa, Southern Africa, Eastern Africa, and Western Africa providing a platform for CSOs to speak with one voice on Sustainable Use... see more