Achieving the CBD's Post-2020 GBF Target

Achieving the CBD’s post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Targets: Synergies between Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation

African CSOs Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) in collaboration with China’s Civil Society Alliance for Biodiversity Conservation (CSABC) hosted a webinar titled Achieving the CBD’s P-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Targets: Synergies between Climate Change and Biodiversity on the 14th of April 2022. This webinar aimed to share lessons learned and best practices on Synergies between Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation and explore practical measures to bridge the biodiversity funding gap and explore potential funding mechanisms in Africa and China.


The main outcomes from the webinar were to Increase common understanding of the importance of synergy between climate change and biodiversity conservation, to learn from successful projects which promote synergy between climate change and biodiversity conservation in China and Africa and to discuss the status of funding for supporting global biodiversity conservation, as well as the funding gaps identified in China and Africa. The webinar also aimed at coming up with and promote funding mechanisms that could effectively mobilize resources in addressing funding gaps in Africa and China in conservation and can provide an important reference for the CBD COP15 and the formulation of the Post-2020 GBF. The recording the webinar can be found on our YouTube at:

This webinar attracted over 100 participants and was moderated by Prof. Dr. LU Zhi the founder of Shan Shui Conservation Centre and Conservation Biology Professor at China's Peking University. The webinar had a diverse panel which comprises of Pauline Nantongo Kalunda, Executive Director of ECOTRUST Uganda and lead policy task team at ACBA, Dr Kanyinke Sena, the director Indigenous Peoples of Africa Co-ordinating Committee, Prof. Dr. Xiang Gao, the professor and director National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, China, Dr Hui Lin, the associate research fellow at the Institute of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Science.


Prof Dr. Zhi Lu opens up the webinar by highlighting the importance of nature, how human livelihoods are fully dependent on natural resources globally and the importance of climate maintenance.


Prof. Dr. Xiang Gao gives a talk on procedural rules to facilitate implementation on UNFCCC and CBD. He continues to highlight the theory of change for the Post-2020 GBF and its importance. “Countries need to take action to make sure we meet our GBF targets, lack of monitoring towards the targets affects national reporting. The Paris agreement is guided by its principles which includes the principles of equity and common but differentiated by responsibilities and respective capabilities in the light of different national circumstances. There is an understanding that there is a need to raise ambitions on both Climate Change and the CBD”.  He also mentioned that “In order for target to be implemented or reached there must be necessary technologies and resources to reach that specific target, ambitions need resources”. When concluding he reported “we need actions in order to see progress, in that there must equally be transparency in both the UNFCCC and CBD frameworks.”


Pauline Nantongo shares on the experiences from the synergies between climate change and Biodiversity. She says “these synergies cannot be separated from livelihoods in the African context, the loss in biodiversity results in the ability of natural resources dependency to be lost then the impacts of Climate change and Biodiversity can be felt hard and fast”. The main challenge are the threats that come from the interdependency on natural resources with no long-term thinking to the solutions. “From the work that ECOTrust is doing as solutions, they do blended financing which is transforming investments horizons. They create donor financing to create systems for generating environmental services sales of PES payments to trigger investments.” Mobilizing financing from the private sector is done through offsetting which includes measuring emissions and offset residual emissions, insetting includes companies engaging with value chain actors to identify and invest in opportunities within the value chain and Off-taking is mainly responsible sourcing for sustainable production.


Dr. Hui LIN an associate research fellow talks about Climate change and Biodiversity Conservation which are linked issues and human involvement. “Biodiversity and associated ecosystems services are impacted by climate change. Climate change is a dominant driver to biodiversity loss, and it is projected to further adversely affect key development challenges”. Biodiversity is key as it helps people to adapt to and to mitigate climate change through improvement of ecological environment for biodiversity conservation, maintain and enhance the carbon sink functions. She mentioned that consideration of the interactions between biodiversity, climate and society in policy decisions provides opportunities to maximize the co-benefits and minimize trade-offs and co-detrimental effects for people and Nature.


Dr Kanyinke Sena the director of Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee talks on the role of IPLCs in Shaping Climate solutions for Biodiversity. How do Climate Change and Biodiversity directly affect IPLCs. “Biodiversity loss disrupts nature services for IPLCs as they rely on for medication plants water and they are mainly hunter gatherers meaning they depend on nature for food security. Due to being under resourced such as no capital, and struggle to adapt to climate change, remotely located, high poverty rates also challenged by conflicts Indigenous People are the most vulnerable”. “Lessons to be learnt of IPLCs sustainable development is that they are rights holders not just Stakeholders, rights holders with survival needs, IPLCs cannot eat rights, they need monitory resources for their livelihood’s, free prior informed consent is key.” IPLCs needs capacity building on Climate change adaptation strategies and fundraising, financial resources to develop projects. A lot of efforts need to be made in these aspects.