Closing statement from African CSOs representatives during the African Union

Date: 21 May 2022
Location: Gaborone, Botswana

Hon. Minister, distinguished delegates, all protocols observedStatement from representatives of the civil society present here: ACBAAWFConservation InternationalIFAWTRAFFIC INTERNATIONALWCS and WWF Africa Regional Office.

It has been 3 days of deliberations. Once again, we thank the AUC for inviting us to participate in the discussions in Gaborone. A lot has been achieved and much more remains to be done.

We have convergence on the fact that we are experiencing rapid deterioration and decline of biodiversity and ecosystems and that urgent action is needed to reverse this loss for the benefit of people and the planet.

We also agree that reversing biodiversity loss is complex and that the one group that understands this complexity are the IPLCs and hence the need to recognise and support their contributions in this regard.

The 4th meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group in Nairobi remains an unmissable opportunity to raise the ambition of the post 2020 global biodiversity framework ahead of the CoP 15 later on in the year. This ambition must be reflected across the 3 objectives of the convention and also across all the elements of the framework and should include; 

  • An ambitious 2030 mission to reverse the loss of biodiversity
  • Robust targets, including on direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss
  • A comprehensive package for financing biodiversity conservation between now and 2030 that comprises a significant increase in levels of financing from all levels, reorienting financial flows to support biodiversity conservation and eliminating or repurposing harmful incentives, including subsidies
  • Support mechanisms, key among them capacity building and appropriate technology transfer, commensurate with the ambition in the framework

Click here to read the full Statement.