ACBA Post COP15.2 Statement

The African CSO Biodiversity Alliance’s (ACBA) delegation to its first CBD COP, appreciates the inclusion of diverse voices from developing countries including NGOs, CSOs IPLCs, Women, Youth and faith-based organizations in the discussions about our collective future. The unprecedented acknowledgement and space given to IPLCs at this COP augers well for the multilateral processes.  We are grateful to the African Group of Negotiators on Biodiversity for providing a unified voice for Africa and in most cases, championing issues that are key for African CSOs.

ACBA further acknowledges that this framework represents advancement from the previous 2011-2020 Aichi Targets. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) addresses key biodiversity conservation issues important to the global South and IPLCs.  Additionally, it promises a fundamental shift in the conservation paradigm by positioning people at the center of conservation models.

ACBA welcomes the recognition of the rights of IPLCs, Women, Youth, and a human rights-based approach to conservation, including the role that sustainable use plays in conservation efforts. However, as the world kickstarts the next phase of implementation, governments and multilateral financing mechanism must collectively create an enabling environment and mechanisms that ensure the funds reach to those that are entrusted to protect these natural resources, the IPLCs.

ACBA notes with concern that the innovative funding mechanism proposed within the framework depends on governments using public funding to leverage private funding. ACBA affirms that article 20 of the Convention needs to be applied to ensure developed country parties are held accountable to their legally binding obligations to provide new and additional financial resources for biodiversity conservation to developing country parties. ACBA further encourages consideration of practical solutions to the unsustainable debts in Africa that eventually divert the limited funding away from climate and biodiversity action. 

ACBA also notes with concern that the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework places the burden of addressing unsustainable consumption patterns on citizens rather than corporations that are engaged in harmful production activities to meet demand in the global North. ACBA strongly supports the Global Biodiversity Framework’s position that governments establish strong legal, administrative and policy procedures to hold corporations to account for their negative impacts on biodiversity.

Going forward, ACBA commits to working with African Governments and other key stakeholders to strengthening implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework by accelerating the revision of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), Biodiversity Finance Plans (BFPs) and strengthening solidarity between civil society groups actors – IPLCs, Women and Youth.