ACBA Closing Statement during the CBD and CITES AU Conference in Addis Ababa

Hon. Ministers, 

Distinguished delegates,

 All protocols observed 

Once again, we thank the African Union Commission for inviting us to participate in the discussions and planning towards an African Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. We commend the African Union Commission for taking the time to convene African Union Member States Alongside Civil Society Organizations. It has been 4 days of intense deliberations and while some good progress has been made, there is still more to do collectively to achieve a truly transformative and inclusive African Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. 

We congratulate Member States here present for their commitment in delivering a draft strategy and action plan that ensures synergies between conventions and most importantly aligns and delivers within the African context. 

We note with concern the limited engagement of African CSOs, IPLCs, Women and Youth in this draft and encourage a more inclusive approach in the journey towards its finalization and actualization in line with the whole of society approach reflected in the Kunming-Montreal GBF, as this will be central to sustainability and ownership of the Africa Strategy and Action Plan.

  • We look forward to more knowledge sharing engagements between the parties and nonstate actors in a bid to amplify a common voice for Africa. 
  • We have noted the many requests for capacity and technical assistance on different issues, and we are willing to provide such assistance wherever possible. Further, we encourage African states to prioritise engaging relevant African experts who are more familiar with the continental context thus enhancing homegrown relevant solutions. 
  • We call upon African Member States to unite in the creation of a meaningful space for IPLCs within CITES 

To conclude: 

In the spirit of a whole of society approach, CSOs stand ready to support African Governments in finalizing and ultimately implementing the Africa Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan as well as the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans. We look forward to joining hands with Member States in any working group addressing pending issues from this meeting. We look forward to a truly transformative and inclusive strategy and action plan that will transform lives of Africans for the better in advancement of AUC Agenda 2063.